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The Challenge
Data is moving to the Cloud at a rapid pace. Providers like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform are providing businesses with cost efficient and flexible options for compute and storage. However, that doesn't mean data protection is reliable or secure. How will Veritas design a lightweight, dependable solution for the multi-cloud in an unfamiliar landscape?

My Role

Interview stakeholders from UX, product management, and engineering. Uncover gaps in their understanding. Collect questions and interview users to provide context for roadmap planning.

The Results


  • Identify MVP: Enabled product managers to establish minimum viable product

  • Identify customer needs: Locked in on current and future needs to develop roadmap related to features and workload support

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In-depth participant profiles

About UX User Interviews

"UX data is business data."

For collecting the richest data, nothing beats in-depth interviews where participants are regarded as the experts. Getting to the root of customer goals, needs, motivations, and behaviors is crucial for success. Candid conversations can unearth customer unmet needs, pain points, and challenges that lead to innovative ways of solving problems with your product and services.




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