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The Challenge
According to Forrester research, the public cloud services market is one of the biggest disruptions in tech within the last 15 years. With an estimated 22% annual growth rate, Veritas is keen to enter this space with products and services geared towards data protection. How will Veritas satisfy the needs of their users without a clear picture of their new target audience?

My Role

Construct actionable personas based on market research, past studies, and user interviews. Share a common vision of the target audience with stakeholders in the organization. 

The Results

Personas anchored in stakeholder groups provide the following benefits:

  • UX Design: Optimized the product experience for the intended audience by keeping a pulse on who they are designing for.

  • Product Management: Aligned strategy and goals to specific user groups.

  • Development: Empathy with user groups promoted alignment with UX decisions.

  • Sales: Connected with customer and build better relationships. Grew customer base.

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Product specific personas

About Personas

"Put yourself in my shoes."

Personas are representations of target users, customers, or prospects whose behavioral patterns, demographics, goals, skills, and attitudes are summarized and shared across an organization. Bringing a cast of characters to life will guide decisions about product features, navigation, interactions, and visual design.


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