The Challenge
Existing products in Veritas' portfolio require extensive white glove delivery and installation services but customers want plug and play capability. Can Veritas UX design and develop a scalable product that's easy to install and deploy regardless of infrastructure requirements?
My Role
Recruited strategic customers for onsite visits. Designed task scenarios and observed users as they deployed and installed the solution in their own environment. Captured time on task, user errors, opportunities for improvements, and feedback, which directly influenced product design and workflows.
The Results
Cultivate strategic relationships: Purpose built application with key customers in mind. Solidified relationships with decision makers and purchasers.
Grow sales: Trip report provided cross functional groups deep insight into the customer's environment and challenges. Improved sales rep's ability to cross-sell and up-sell.
IT Manager for Global Infrastructure Group
Responsibilities: Working manager with tech responsibilities + assist with audits.
DBA (Oracle & SQL)
Responsibilities: Moving DB forward to new versions, creating DB test environments, support Oracle and SQL DBs
Support: Average. Familiar with some commands but requires handholding.
Server Admin
Responsibilities: Create VMs for Velocity, Active Director, setups up labs (appliance & application server)
Shadowing real users and collecting data
Field study analysis & findings
About UX Field Studies
"A picture is worth a thousand words."
Consists of day-in-the-life user interviews and behavioral observations. Communicates empathy and understanding of users, tasks, goals, culture and context of use.