The Challenge
68% of organizations with data in the cloud utilize more than one provider. However, managing backup and recovery operations in each platform is a nightmare for IT management. As Veritas enters the market, how should they position themselves against competitors with a head start?
My Role
Define the framework for competitive analysis which include business and competitive factors that should be tracked over time. Develop matrix for spotting unserved or underserved gaps in the market. Obtain competitor's product and evaluate usability, interaction design, and functionality. Produce report that summarizes competitive landscape (feature comparison, SWOT, user journeys).
The Results
Someone else failed first: Established strategy around product parity after assessing competitor's best practices.
Improve positioning: Exposed competitor weakness in marketing campaigns. Promoted market differentiators to appeal to target customers.
The more you know: Increased overall domain knowledge and minimized vulnerabilities.
Product feature competitive analysis
UX Workflow Comparison
Product positioning
About Competitive Analysis
"Does it better." always beats "Did it first."
Deconstruct the competition to understand their strength and weakness in order to make informed decisions about product strategy.