The Challenge
User testing of Veritas' cloud application exposed gaps around how users search, locate, and interpret information. Participants unable to complete the tasks were frustrated with the experience and provided negative feedback. Can Veritas demystify a large scale complex site designed for multiple user groups?
My Role
Conduct unmoderated hybrid card sort with fifty users and focus on optimizing the site's structure, organization, and content.
The Results
You can't use what you can't find: Implemented changes which improved findability and led to task completion in subsequent A/B tests.
Customer loyalty is key: Customers reported higher satisfaction ratings and their per terabyte consumption rates increased after changes were made.
For support, press 1: Calls to support about task workflows reduced by 10%.
Card sort activity for improving information architecture and navigation using OptimalWorkshop
Analysis of card sort activity
About Card Sorting
"Gryffindor or Ravenclaw?"
Card sorting is a well-established research technique for discovering how people understand and categorize information. It's simple, inexpensive, and fast.